How to use Excel AutoSave on a File


This article tutorial will discuss on how to turn on the autosave function in Excel. If you're constantly worried about your changes not being saved this is something you'll want to do to assure you that you never lose any work. Let's jump right in to see how to get Excel to AutoSave.


The Article relates to Excel 365, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, 2019 and Excel 2010. Any of these versions of Excel is recommended to start learning the Excel function.

Excel Autosave

By using the autosave function, the file you're working on is safe in case suddenly your computer turns off.

To have a power outage or failing to save before the computer is turning off can be stressful, particularly if you've finished certain great work on formulas. Luckily, the AutoSave function is useful to keep your data even if there's a power outage, your work will be saved automatically.

Step by step process to turn on the autosave function

Now, let's create an example to fully understand how to turn on the autosave function in Excel.

Step 1: Open the file you want to set as AutoSave file then click on File tab.

The user can perform without worrying about losing data that could occur due to the crash of excel or any issue in the system.

Step 2 : On the menu list then, select option and click on Save option.

Step 3 : Either you have an account with One Drive or SharePoint, use AutoSave One Drive and SharePoint Online files on Excel by default. That will save your real-time work on One Drive and SharePoint accounts, providing a
backup when you lose your file.

Step 4 : Click Save AutoRecover information every, and select the interval you want to save. The 10 minutes is the default , but it depends on your preference, you can set it lower or higher.

When a user retrieves the file from the file saved, the last version of the saved worksheet is opened if you close it without saving.

Step 5 : Check the box says Keep the last autosaved version if I closed without saving. This will help you to recover your work in case you accidentally close the file or a power outage occur.

Step 6 : Save and remember where those files will be saved by Excel. So, you easily find the location.

Step 7 : Then tap on the OK icon and it will apply all the changed setting to the workbook.


  • Excel offers an useful tool to allow AutoSave in Excel for a workbook. In case of a power losses, accidentally closed excel without saving it or something that was totally unexpected to happen. This autosave function is really helpful to protect the workbook.
  • Just try to keep a lower or lesser number for AutoSave time, such as 3 min, 4 min, etc., so you can save data more often.
  • If you're using a latest version and you are saving you file to one drive or share point then, you'll see a button at the upper left of an Excel, In which automatically saves your file.


Now that you know more about how AutoSave works and how to tweak the options we hope you feel more confident that your Excel worksheets will be saved even something unexpected happens like if your computer goes down or Excel crashes.

July 7, 2020
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